All Honda 2Wheelers India authorized exclusive dealerships offer 4S setup which includes sales, service, spare parts (as per industry norms) and safety riding (4th S which is unique to Honda’s initiative of road safety promotion). The skilled staff trained by Honda 2Wheelers India offers unmatched experience which is an ideal blend of best quality sales and post sales ownership to our esteemed customers.
Safety riding: This is the 4th S, a unique concept of Honda’s methodology and ideology, which means “Safety for Everyone”. Honda 2Wheelers India is committed to road safety and safe riding for all road users. It aims to spread awareness and promotes road safety to all individuals that come from different walks of life. For this, Honda 2Wheelers India has undertaken different activities and initiatives which are organized all across the country in which special trainings and interactive sessions are provided to kids, adults, women, corporates by our dealers.

Honda 2Wheelers India believes in building a collision free society and providing lifetime safety education for all road users, regardless of the age. Honda 2Wheelers India is working hard in its effort to promote road safety. For this it ensures deploying quality resources such as dealers, CRF50 and safety instructors.
1000 Plus Dealers
Honda 2Wheelers India dealerships are pivotal point of contact between the company and customers, local communities etc. Our dealers believe in providing customers a precise understanding about the advanced safety technologies to promote road safety. They connect with customers to deepen their understanding on importance of safe riding by organizing training programs and interactive activities that are based on road safety.
They standardize and implement Road Safety activities which make people realize importance of a safe mobile society. For this, they are themselves first trained by Honda’s safety riding team ,are given safe riding tips and instructions and trained on road safety programs to further organize training activities for the customers directly.
Honda 2Wheelers India dealers take proactive steps to promote road safety. Their efforts involve range of activities like Pre Delivery Safety Advice to customers, Training on Honda Riding Trainer etc.

Honda CRF50 motorcycles have been imported by Honda 2Wheelers India to educate road safety to kids. This activity is aimed to help kids become a responsible rider in future. Kids are motivated to become road safety ambassadors of their families and motivate them to follow the traffic rules.
Safety Instructor
Honda 2Wheelers India has exclusive safety team that imparts road safety awareness programs at PAN India level through our Education Centres & Dealers. We have safety instructors that have undergone training at Japan, Singapore, Thailand and Australia .